I have this thing for vegetables. I love to eat them, yes, but I also love to look at them. I know part of my vegetable affection is because I'm a dietitian, but I just look at vegetables and see color, shape, and low-calorie, vitamin packed goodnes! I have collected vegetable items for years. I have dishes, art, posters, jewelry, napking rings, linens, etc all adorned with vegetables. When I find myself in a new city, I always love to visit the local Farmer's Market and the grocery store and take pictures. I have more pictures of vegetables than family!
I decided to create a veggie table to celebrate my favorite of all the food groups. The featured plates are Lenox Contential Dining, which is very elegant, but very simple white with a platinum edge. The vegetable accent plates bring the party to the table. Our local Lenox outlet closed several years ago and I was fortunate enough to purchase 16 vegetables plates for less than $3.00/plate. I was also able to completely finish 19 place settings of my formal Lenox Maywood china for next to nothing. Gotta love a sale like that!
The Fitz and Floyd candlesticks were found at TJ Maxx.
The runner is another Round Top, Tx find from Anna's shop. You can read about her HERE.
I have several sets of novelty vegetable salt and pepper shakers collected over the years.
Fitz and Floyd salt and pepper.
I will be linking to the following parties: